Christianity and Entrepreneurship

I’ve been asked many times how my Christianity affects my approach to entrepreneurship, and here’s the bottom line: it drives everything I do. My faith is my foundation. It’s not a side note, it’s the primary motivator behind why I wake up every morning, put in the work, and thank God every day for the opportunity to build businesses and influence others as a leader. 

Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Whatever you do, work heartily for the Lord and not for men, knowing from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." That’s my mindset in business. Every effort, every challenge, every success - it’s all done as an act of service to God.

So let’s break it down. Faith and business aren’t separate. They’re intertwined. If you’re a business owner and you’re not seeing your work as part of your bigger purpose, you’re missing out. 

Hard Work as a Kingdom Value

I don’t need to convince you that hard work matters. We all know that success takes grit, grind, and putting in the hours. But for me, the Bible lays it out pretty clearly - hard work isn’t optional. It’s required.

Proverbs 12:11 says, “He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies lacks judgment.”

That’s part of the foundation I stand on. You’re called to work hard and provide for those around you. That means grinding to build your business, but also being intentional with your time and energy. It’s about purposeful work - work that moves the needle, that serves your family, your clients, your community, and your church.

Jesus is the ultimate example here. He didn’t take shortcuts. He didn’t waste time. He worked relentlessly to fulfill His mission, but He also knew when it was time to rest and recharge. He worked hard but stayed grounded in His purpose, and that’s how I approach my business - driven by purpose, fueled by hard work, and understanding that rest is part of the journey.

I’m not just hustling for the sake of hustling. I’m hustling with purpose. This isn’t about glorifying the grind. It’s about knowing that your work has purpose. And the more you put into your business, the more impact you’ll have - not just on your life, but on everyone around you.

Providing for Those Who Matter

Let me tell you something - providing for your family is scripturally required. This isn’t just about making money for yourself or getting ahead - it’s about making sure that the people who depend on you are taken care of. And, as a Christian entrepreneur, this takes on a whole new level of meaning. I see my business as a tool. It’s a tool to provide, to serve, and to give back.

Genesis 2:15 says, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (The word "care for" means "to guard," "protect over," or "to care for.") Man’s duty is to work and guard/protect. That responsibility extends beyond just tending a garden - it applies to everything we do, including how we lead, how we manage our businesses, and how we provide for those entrusted to us.

In the business world, we often talk about generational wealth. But for me, it’s not just about leaving behind financial wealth. Proverbs 13:22 tells us, "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous." I want to leave a legacy - a legacy of faith, values, and hard work that impacts not just my kids, but my grandkids, my great-grandkids, and everyone I come into contact with.

This is where faith and business meet head-on. We’re not just building companies. We’re building legacies. You’ve got to think long-term. What kind of legacy do you want to leave? How will your business not only provide for your family today but set them up for future success?

This is why I get up and do what I do every day - to provide. I’m not just thinking about my paycheck. I’m thinking about my family’s future, my community’s future, and the kind of impact I want to make long after I’m gone. That’s the driving force behind everything I do in my business.

Charity and Giving Back

Now, let’s talk about charity. One of the most important ways to live out your Christianity is through generosity. I don’t just give money. I give time, resources, energy - whatever it takes to help others.

Matthew 25:40 says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

When I think about how to run my business, charity is at the forefront. It’s not just about making money for myself. It’s about using my success to serve others, to give back, and to pour into my community. And let me tell you, as your business grows, so does your ability to give back.

You want your business to thrive? Then make generosity part of your DNA. It’s not just about financial contributions; it’s about using your influence, your time, and your talent to make a difference. That’s how you replicate the heart of Jesus in the business world. The more you give, the more you receive. And the more you receive, the more you can give.  If you have built yourself into a position of more influence, then you have more power to speak up and say, “this is not good, avoid this wrong thing.” or to the contrary, “This is right, and moral and ethical and we should do things this way.”  

Sacrifice and Purpose: The Example of Jesus

When it comes to drive, purpose, and sacrifice, you need look no further than Jesus. The ultimate entrepreneur. If there was anyone who worked with laser-focus, who gave everything for a bigger cause, it was Him.  He wasn’t building a business, or an earthly kingdom, but built an eternal one!

Jesus worked tirelessly to provide for others, to serve, and to leave a legacy. His ultimate sacrifice wasn’t just a physical act - it was an investment in the future. And that’s what entrepreneurship is about. It’s about making sacrifices today to set yourself up for a legacy tomorrow.

I’m not just in business to make money. I’m in business to make a difference. Jesus showed us what it means to give everything for something bigger than ourselves. That’s the mindset I carry into my business every day.  If I can get more people to do business with me, look at me as an example or leader, then maybe they can see Jesus through me, and not just some guy that did well by earthly standards.  I know, and hate, that they will see my struggles and my shortcomings as well, but ultimately, I do all this to elevate Him and shine His light. 

Build a Business with Purpose

Entrepreneurship is more than just about the grind - it’s about purpose. It’s about creating something that serves others, that leaves a legacy, and that helps build a better future

Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day." Every opportunity we have to grow in business comes from God, and recognizing that keeps us humble and grounded in our mission.

When your faith is your foundation and ultimate reason why, everything else falls into place. So go out there and build a business that not only provides for you and your family but that impacts generations to come.

And remember: faith isn’t just something you possess alone, or just talk about - it’s something you live through action.


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